
映画 Happy Feet Two (2011) 2012-08-27 [ことば]

映画 Happy Feet Two (2011)


Will the Krill: Everything's got an end. See? I end here. (と、自分のしっぽを指す)



Bill the Krill: Will, we are krill. We are meant to look the same.


Bill: Where you going?
Will: I'm moving up the food chain.


Bill: What's happening, Will?
Will: It's the wave of change, Bill! We've got to get on the ride!


Bill: I fear the worst, Will.
Will: I fear the worst too, but only because fearing the best is a complete waste of time!


Will: That's one small step for a krill, one giant leap for spineless invertebrates.


Will: I want to be free, Bill.
Bill: There is no such thing as free, Will.


Will: You adopt, I'll adapt.


Will: Aw, Bill! What are the chances?
Bill: About one in a krillion, Will.



Will: But we're still at the bottom of the food chain with no significant purpose.
Bill: Well, we all have a purpose. Yours is to change the world.


Will: Perhaps it's a momentary relief from the existential terrors of existence.

Sven is an amusing-enough new cast member, but the movie really finds success in the introduction of a pair of krill named Will (voice of Brad Pitt) and Bill (voice of Matt Damon), who leave their swarm to find a new way of living. Will is convinced he can make his way up the food chain (Biting a lion seal winds up serving Mumble's plan to help the elephant seal) and, ultimately, adapt into something greater than food for the bigger fish of the ocean. Will's delusional dialogue (His revelation about dancing, "Perhaps it's a momentary relief from the existential terror of existence," is priceless) and Miller's play with scale as the camera zooms out from the krill's perceived grand adventure to the miniscule effect they have in reality are sources of genuine laughs.
The dialogue of the film is goofy and witty, particularly the portions involving Bill and Will. You can’t help but smile when Will rattles on about dancing providing ‘momentary relief from the existential terrors of existence’.

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... the next time yo..映画 The Bucket List (.. ブログトップ
